New Helipad, Hull Royal Infirmary

Alan Wood and Partners

Hull Royal Infirmary Hospital, part of Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust (HEYNT), is the main centre for emergency work at the Trust and is one of the country’s 27 Major Trauma Centres, however it had no onsite helicopter landing site.

The new helipad directly next to the existing hospital provides a much needed 24hr access for rapid patient transfer to the specialist teams in the Emergency Department of the hospital. Alan Wood & Partners were engaged by HEY NHS Trust to provide Civil & Structural Engineering Services for the helipad.

Engineering and Design Factors

The project involved the demolition of old hospital buildings which formed part of the old workhouse hospitals. The project was in a challenging location; being next to the hospital buildings, a railway line, and an elevated bridge. To facilitate landing of the helicopter, the helipad was to be elevated on a mound. The new helipad was designed in accordance with Health Building Note 15-03 and Civil Aviation Authority Regulations. The ground conditions and loading had to be carefully assessed and tested due to the previous site usage, and the drainage of the helipad designed to comply with both Civil Aviation Authority requirements and standard UK Building Regulations, as well as dealing with potential aviation contaminants such as aircraft fuel leaks.

Description of the Works

The design involved coordination with the local helicopter operators to determine desired flight paths and the type of helicopter anticipated to use the helipad. Alan Wood & Partners designed a concrete pad to form the helipad, capable of supporting emergency landing conditions for large helicopters, including the Search and Rescue helicopters.

Project:New Helipad, Hull Royal Infirmary

Alan Wood & Partners